Business Plan 2022-2023
Scottish Commission on Social Security's business plan covering the period of April 2022 to March 2023.
Strategic Context
In accordance with our role as an NDPB and embedded within our Framework document with the Scottish Government, we have a responsibility to align our strategic objectives and priorities with the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework (NPF) and associated national outcomes.
The year ahead will be a pivotal one for the devolved benefits system – and for SCoSS’s role within it.
Government continues to deal with the multiple ongoing challenges caused by the Covid pandemic and these are now being exacerbated by rapidly rising increases in the cost of living. Our work to deliver thorough scrutiny to devolved benefits therefore remains vital.
In the year ahead, Adult Disability Payment (ADP) will be rolled-out nationally, and this will represent a very significant increase in the number of people eligible to receive Sottish benefits in 2022. Additionally, a two-stage review of ADP to be commissioned by the Scottish Government is due to begin its first phase. Meanwhile, Scottish Child Payment will be extended to under-16s, Scottish Carer’s Assistance will replace Carer’s Allowance in Scotland and a consultation will begin on the 2023 Social Security Bill.
Delivering social security benefits in a more positive and supportive way and aligned to the social security Charter underpins the Scottish Government approach to developing devolved benefits. In the year ahead, work will begin on the Scottish Government’s 2024 review of the Social Security Charter. Against this background of devolved benefit roll-out and review we anticipate the continuing cost of living crisis to further underline the importance of benefit uprating to maintain value.
Additionally, the Scottish Government is commissioning a review of SCoSS’s remit, role and constitution. Having been established for three years we believe this review will be a valuable opportunity to future-proof SCoSS to ensure continuity for the high quality delivery of our statutory responsibilities.
SCoSS has an essential statutory role to play in all of these interlinked developments while makig best use of our limited resources. The key priorities section of our plan therefore sets out in more detail how we will approach and focus our work in 2022-23, under the broader headings of our Strategic Objectives.