Business Plan 2022-2023
Scottish Commission on Social Security's business plan covering the period of April 2022 to March 2023.
Our Purpose
The Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) was set up in 2019 to provide independent scrutiny of the Scottish social security system.
SCoSS is separate from the Scottish Government and from the Parliament. It carries out its work independently of both, but works closely with both.
SCoSS’s functions are set out within Section 22 of the Social Security Scotland Act 2018. SCoSS’s role is made up of three parts:
1. Scrutinising draft regulations and publishing full reports with recommendations to Scottish Government.
2. Reporting to the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament on whether the expectations in the Social Security Charter are being met. The Scottish Government published the Social Security Charter in January 2019. It is called ‘Our Charter’.
3. Responding to requests from the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government to report ‘on any matter relevant to social security’ when asked by either of them.
Our Vision
A robust, effective, efficient Scottish social security system that meets its full potential to improve outcomes for the people of Scotland. To help achieve this vision for Scottish social security by providing independent expert advice that adds demonstrable and significant value.
Our Values
- We Are Independent
- We Are Committed
- We provide Assurance and Accountability
- We are Outcome Focussed