Scottish Commission on Social Security: Unacceptable Actions Policy
SCoSS's policy on unacceptable actions
- Document Cover
- Introduction
- What actions do SCoSS consider to be unacceptable?
- Aggressive or abusive behaviour
- Unreasonable demands
- Unreasonable levels of contact
- Unreasonable refusal to co-operate
- Unreasonable use of the complaints process
- Examples of how we manage unacceptable behaviour
- Examples of how we deal with other categories of unreasonable behaviour
- Other actions we may take
- How we let people know we have made this decision
- The process for appealing a decision to restrict contact
- How we record and review a decision to restrict contact
- How to contact the Scottish Commission on Social Security
How we let people know we have made this decision
When a SCoSS employee makes an immediate decision in response to offensive, aggressive or abusive behaviour, the complainant is advised at the time of the incident. When a decision has been made by senior management, a complainant will always be given the reason in writing as to why a decision has been made to restrict future contact, the restricted contact arrangements and, if relevant, the length of time that these restrictions will be in place. This ensures that the complainant has a record of the decision.
This can be supplemented if written communication is not the most appropriate form for the individual.