
The Disability Assistance for Older People (Scotland) Regulations 2024: scrutiny report

The Scottish Commission on Social Security's scrutiny report on the draft Disability Assistance for Older People (Scotland) Regulations 2024

Annexe B: Scrutiny timeline

7 August 2023Draft Regulations formally referred to SCoSS by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice
10 August 2023SCoSS Board attended by Social Security officials for Pension Age Disability Payment discussion
24 August 2023External stakeholders written call for evidence began
6 September 2023SCoSS roundtable with Equalities and Human Rights Commission
12 September 2023SCoSS board meeting discusses report
29 September 2023External stakeholders written call for evidence closed
4 October 2023Stakeholder event held with Age Scotland
5 October 2023Stakeholder event held with Age Scotland
6 October 2023Equality Impact Assessment discussion with Scottish Government officials
9 October 2023External roundtable on Attendance Allowance/Pension Age Disability Payment caselaw
18 October 2023SCoSS board meeting discusses report
24 October 2023Ad hoc Board meeting to discuss report
30 October 2023SCoSS report signed off and laid
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