
The Social Security (Residence Requirements) (Ukraine) (Scotland) Regulations 2022: scrutiny report

The Scottish Commission on Social Security's scrutiny report on the Social Security (Residence Requirements) (Ukraine) (Scotland) Regulations 2022

6. Take up

Any and all of the above factors could have a bearing on take-up. It is therefore worth reflecting on their implications in that context. For example, as noted in the last iteration of the Scottish Government’s Benefit Take Up Strategy, the Government has identified that translation issues are a particular barrier to accessing social security benefits for refugees in Scotland[24]. Whilst we welcome efforts made to translate key factsheets into alternative language, it is worth investigating whether further action could be taken to explain the rights of displaced people previously resident in Ukraine, in Ukrainian and at welcome hubs, in order to maximise take up.

Recommendation 8: Scottish Government carries out active, ongoing engagement with displaced people previously resident in Ukraine, not just in order to improve their awareness of devolved benefits, Charter expectations and advocacy support available but to monitor, evaluate and apply learning to future communications, take-up and delivery strategies.

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