
Scottish Child Payment Regulations 2020: scrutiny report

The Scottish Commission on Social Security's scrutiny report on the draft Scottish Child Payment Regulations 2020 with recommendations for the Scottish Government.

Annex A: Extract from letter from Cabinet Secretary, demonstrating SCoSS-inspired changes to draft regulations

“Part 3: Eligibility and assistance to be provided

  • Further to comments from SCoSS, removal of exclusion to claim for children in residential care

Schedule: Part 4 Determination without application

Determination following backdated award of assistance

  • Further to comments from SCoSS, removal of reference to the backdated award resulting from appeal.
  • Further to comments from SCoSS, inclusion of provision relating to backdated award of child responsibility benefit.

Determination following award of Scottish Child Payment in respect of another child

  • Further to comments from SCoSS, we have included provision which means that clients do not have to submit a further application in relation to additional children.

Determination following cessation of award of Scottish Child Payment

  • Further to comments from SCoSS, this new section sets out a 12 week linking period, during which the client would not have to reapply for the Scottish Child Payment if they came off the qualifying benefit or child responsibility benefit and were subsequently reawarded within this time period.”
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