Carer's Allowance Supplement (Qualifying Persons) and Young Carer Grant Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2020: scrutiny report
The Scottish Commission on Social Security's scrutiny report on the draft Carer's Allowance Supplement (Qualifying Persons) and Young Carer Grant Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2020 with recommendations for the Scottish Government.
- Document Cover
- Summary of recommendations and observations
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The coordination rules and withdrawal from the EU
- 3. Effect of the draft Regulations
- 4. Genuine and sufficient link to Scotland
- 5. Competent state
- 6. Application and determination
- 7. Redeterminations and appeals
- 8. Take-up
- 9. Process
- Annex A
- Annex B
Annex A
Carer’s Allowance Supplement (Qualifying Persons) and Young Carer Grant Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2020: Draft scrutiny timetable
11 August 2020: SCoSS Board meeting: Briefing from Scottish Government official on policy issues
28 August 2020: Regulations referred to SCoSS by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People
31 August 2020: Scottish Government provided draft outline impact assessments
31 August 2020: SCoSS requested written submissions from stakeholders
8 September 2020: Deadline for stakeholder views