Business Plan 2021-2022
Scottish Commission on Social Security's business plan covering the period April 2021 to March 2022.
Our Stakeholder Approach
We will continue to engage with stakeholders nationally and locally across sectors and across UK to work closely with a wide range of participants to help us deliver our priorities as efficiently and effectively.
Our collaboration with others to support our work, increases the understanding and importance of what we do and raise awareness of our functions and the positive impact our work has on the Scottish social security system.
We are aware the value of seeking views from a wide and diverse audience, capturing different perspectives, expertise and experience to ensure the best results. We aim to achieve this by;
- Explore different avenues of accessing stakeholder input in ways which are timely, accessible efficient and add value to the work being delivered by SCoSS.
- Seeking opportunities to engage with key stakeholders and those with lived experience to promote wider understanding, opportunities for input and generate feedback that will contribute to our continuous improvement.
- Develop and maintain a regular programme of positive engagement with existing stakeholders which support delivery of our ongoing work.