
Business Plan 2021-2022

Scottish Commission on Social Security's business plan covering the period April 2021 to March 2022.

Operating Principles

Our current budget provides funding to cover all expenditure associated with operating SCoSS.

  • Preparing Annual Report and Accounts
  • Providing quarterly finance updates to Members
  • Prepare Annual report and Accounts, agreed by SCoSS Accountable Officer and Audit Scotland

We are supported by a small secretariat. This along with our operation costs is funded from a Commission budget of £340K

Our governance, assurance and risk management approaches are robust, proportionate and accord with relevant principles and legislation.

  • Deliver on our corporate responsibilities as a Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB), ensure that we create a sound governance framework and demonstrate value for money through our audited accounts.
  • Commit to appointing an experienced audit adviser who will provide independent scrutiny and advice on governance, risk management, the control environment and the integrity of financial statements and our annual report.
  • Review our corporate documents in accordance with agreed review period.

Our board members and secretariat have sufficient capacity and capability to effectively carry out their role.

  • Professional development plans in place for board members as part of annual appraisals.
  • Identify new areas of learning and development as well as any work practice efficiencies collectively as a board.
  • Ensure SCoSS core values are embedded in our working practice.
  • Deliver our workplan efficiently and effectively in a timely manner.

SCoSS is administered through funding from Scottish Government, is supported by a secretariat and works with Scottish Government Sponsor team to meet governance and assurance requirements.

SG Deputy Director for Social Security Policy is the nominated Accountable Officer for SCoSS. The accountable officer is responsible for the formal Annual Report and Accounts and maintaining the agreement between SG and SCoSS on the Framework Document and Protocol under which SCoSS operates.


Follow us on twitter: @TheScoSS

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