Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 2024-25
The Scottish Commission on Social Security's 2024-25 Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
- Document Cover
- Introduction
- Strategic Objectives
- Stakeholder Engagement Objectives
Stakeholder Engagement Objectives
We have identified some broad strategic objectives for engagement – identification, communications, scrutiny planning, feedback and measurement. Our objectives for engagement in 2024/25 are:
- We will undertake a desk based exercise to identify existing and future stakeholders and map stakeholders by interest and influence.
We will—
- Identify opportunities to proactively present on SCoSS’s work to stakeholders offering stakeholders a platform to share their feedback, insights, and perspectives on SCoSS’s progress.
- Produce a quarterly newsletter highlighting future scrutiny processes and opportunities for stakeholder influence.
- Promote the SCoSS newsletter via events and meetings and increase the contacts who receive it.
- Publicly promote the SCoSS online presence.
- Gather feedback from stakeholders on the accessibility of the SCoSS website.
Scrutiny planning
- We will develop a menu of options that can be tailored to the specifics of a scrutiny process (e.g. organising a roundtable event on case law with social security experts) to allow for appropriate stakeholder engagement to be undertaken as part of each scrutiny planning process.
- We will consider our approach to gathering proactive feedback from the public on both the work of SCoSS and Social Security Scotland to guide next year’s stakeholder engagement objectives.
- Stakeholder needs (for example barriers to engagement and accessibility requirements) will be identified through data collection (event feedback, surveys, in-house research) and presented to the Board on an annual basis for discussion.
- We will review our complaints policy to ensure it remains fit for purpose given our expanded stakeholder engagement plans.
- We will identify Key Performance Indicators to measure the effectiveness of SCoSS stakeholder engagement.
- The SCoSS Secretariat will develop a measurement framework based on those Key Performance Indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of SCoSS stakeholder engagement.