
Business Plan 2023-24

Scottish Commission on Social Security's business plan covering the period of April 2023 to March 2024.

Priorities for 2023-24

In line with the Strategic Objectives set out above, we agreed the following key priorities in 2023-24.

Scrutiny of draft social security regulations

We will undertake expert, independent, evidence-based scrutiny of draft regulations referred to us by the Scottish Government, including—

  • Draft Carer’s Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
  • Draft Disability Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
  • Draft Pension Age Disability Payment regulations
  • Draft Up-rating regulations

Social Security Charter

  • We will establish ways to learn directly from stakeholders and people with lived experience on whether people are getting the service that the Social Security Charter says they should expect.
  • We will produce a report based on evidence gathered on improvements that the Scottish Government could make to better deliver commitments in the Charter.
  • We will inform the Scottish Government’s review of the Social Security Charter.

Work alongside Scottish Ministers, the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and key stakeholders

  • We will work with Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Parliament to agree a framework for dealing with requests for reports on social security that they may request from us.
  • We will provide evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee when requested.
  • We will hold workshops with Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland staff to improve the shared understanding as to the role and remit of SCoSS.

Stakeholder engagement

  • We will review and update the stakeholder engagement strategy, including embedding lived experience within the strategy.

Monitoring impact of scrutiny work

  • We will develop a monitoring framework that will provide a systematic approach to monitoring the impact of SCoSS scrutiny of draft regulations.
  • We will obtain feedback from Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and all stakeholders who contribute to SCoSS scrutiny.
  • We will engage with the wider policy community to obtain feedback on the impact of SCoSS scrutiny work.

Transparency and accessibility

  • We will publish all Minutes of Board meetings, Audit Sub-Committees and scrutiny reports on the SCoSS website.
  • We will improve the accessibility of the SCoSS website and through publishing documents in an alternative format.
  • We will regularly utilise social media to promote engagement and awareness of our work.


  • We will deliver on our corporate responsibilities, ensure that we create a sound governance framework and demonstrate value for money through our audited accounts.
  • We will work with our audit adviser to ensure effective governance, risk management, and the integrity of financial statements and annual report and accounts.
  • We will review governance, finance, performance and assurance framework and risk register on a quarterly basis at meetings of the Audit Sub-Committee.
  • We will review our corporate documents.
  • We will provide induction to new Board members and identify training opportunities for Members to support their role as a Board Member of an advisory NDPB.
  • We will implement, as appropriate, the recommendations of the independent review of SCoSS.
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