Date: 13 December 2019


  • Dr Sally Witcher (Chair)
  • Judith Paterson
  • Dr Mark Simpson


  • Sharon McIntyre

In attendance:

  • Dawn Abell – Scottish Government Head of Stakeholder Insights and Strategic Engagement Unit (for agenda item 2)
  • Hannah Graham – Scottish Government Child Benefits and State Pension Policy Team Leader (for agenda item 2)
  • Nicole Fraser – SCoSS Administrative Officer
  • Fiona Lodge – SCoSS Deputy Secretary (minutes)
  • Sanjin Kaharavic – Scottish Government Service Design Manager for Low Income Benefits (for agenda item 2)
  • Terry Shevlin – SCoSS Lead Secretary
  • James Wilson – Scottish Government Disability Benefits Team Leader (for agenda item 3)


Members discussed in private possible issues to include in SCoSS’s report on the Scottish Child Payment draft regulations.

Scottish Government officials joined the Board meeting. Members requested clarification on various issues and discussed matters that may be addressed in a further revised version of the draft regulations. Members again stressed the importance of SCoSS having sufficient time to consider and report on the draft regulations within the deadlines for the draft regulations being laid by the Scottish Government in the Scottish Parliament.

In subsequent private discussion, Members discussed issues for inclusion in SCoSS’s report and identified further written questions to ask of the Scottish Government. Members agreed to hold an exceptional meeting, by Skype discussion, to consider a report on the draft regulations. The dates for the formal January board meeting would be changed accordingly.

  • Action – Mark Simpson to draft a report on the SCP draft regulations
  • Action – Secretariat to organise a Skype discussion to consider the report

James Wilson joined the Board meeting and responded to Members’ questions on the draft regulations. Members provided various examples of provisions on which the Scottish Government could usefully provide further detail or clarification. Members also noted that it was unsatisfactory for SCoSS to base its scrutiny on draft regulations that are subject to significant revision, and asked for clarification of when further draft regulations would be provided.

  • Action – Secretariat to obtain confirmation from Scottish Government officials of when further draft DACYP regulations will be referred to SCoSS

The Board considered, in private, the most effective way of engaging with stakeholders to inform its scrutiny of the draft regulations, taking into account significant time constraints. Members agreed to seek written views from stakeholders in the first instance and to consider at a later point who to invite to provide views at its January board meeting.

  • Action –  Secretariat to invite written views on the draft regulations from stakeholders Minutes of the previous meeting

The Board agreed to supply any amendments to the Secretariat by Wednesday 18 December.

The rolling actions would be reviewed at the next Board meeting in January.

The Board reviewed its work plan and agreed agenda items for the January and February Board meetings.

No other business was raised.

Date of the next meeting: 30 and 31 January 2020

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