Date: 27 January 2022
Time: 13:30 – 17:00
Venue: MS Teams


  • Dr Sally Witcher (Chair);
  • Judith Paterson (Member);
  • Dr Mark Simpson (Member).


  • Sharon McIntyre (Member)

In Attendance:

  • Lorraine Cairns, SCoSS Secretariat Manager;
  • Alan Henderson, SCoSS Analysis and Participation Officer (acting);
  • Lisa Kinnear, SCoSS Administrative Assistant;
  • Fiona Lodge, SCoSS Governance and Engagement (Lead) Officer.

Apologies were noted from Sharon McIntyre. No relevant declarations of interest were given.

The Members discussed the information provided on the forthcoming draft regulations and considered questions for officials. The Board agreed an ad hoc meeting with officials would be beneficial, as would stakeholder engagement. The Board agreed the scrutiny process.

Members discussed the Committee evidence sessions for the main Adult Disability Payment regulations.

  • Action – Secretariat to arrange a meeting with Scottish Government officials once the Disability Living Allowance to Adult Disability Payment Case Transfer draft regulations are formally referred.
  • Action – Chair to write to the new Social Security and Social Justice Committee Convener and Member.

Mark gave an update on the Charter and the Member considered topics for the first report. The Members discussed the data required to inform the report.

  • Action – Secretariat, Mark and Sharon to arrange a further meeting to discuss the Charter and to produce a draft project specification.
  • Action – Secretariat to request Social Security management data on measurement.
  • Action – Sharon and Mark to scope out person spec for charter work and also confirm outline of the charter report for the March Board meeting. Lorraine to support person specification and Alan Henderson to support initial charter work.
  • Action – Secretariat to check with the Scottish Fiscal Commission what data that they receive in relation to the Charter.

The Members discussed the constitution, governance and remit of SCoSS. The Chair highlighted that a new SCoSS ‘Audit Committee’ (herself and Sharon) would meet the day before each Board meeting to discuss governance and organisational matters. They would also review standing items, quarterly finance and risk status reports. An update and recommendations from the Audit Committee would then be presented at the Board meeting, with opportunity for Board discussion. All papers for the Audit Committee would be circulated to all Board Members.

The Members discussed the remaining budget in the current financial year and agreed budget touch points for the next financial year.

  • Action – Secretariat to invite Ian Davidson to the February Board meeting to discuss SCoSS’s governance model.
  • Action – Secretariat to seek further advice from SG Officials / SGLD on DLA-ADP regulations.
  • Action – Meeting scheduled with board members to discuss updated DLA – ADP report – 8/3.

The Members discussed the standing agenda items.

The Chair highlighted that the recruitment for a fifth Board Member was resuming. The Members discussed skills, knowledge or experience would be beneficial for the additional Member.

  • Action – Members to give any specifics on desirable skills for the 5th member recruitment to the Chair by 7 February.

Date of the next Board meeting: 24 February 2022

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