SCoSS Board Meeting
Date: 30 March 2023
Time: 13:30
Venue: MS Teams
- Judith Paterson (Acting Co-Chair)
- Dr Mark Simpson (Acting Co-Chair)
- Marilyn Howard (Member)
In Attendance (SCoSS Secretariat) -
- Stephen Herbert, Secretary
- Andrew Strong, Head of Policy and Scrutiny
- Andrzej Hagger, Analysis and Participation Officer
- Christopher Galloway, Analysis and Participation Support Officer
- Dorothy Warren, Governance and Engagement Officer
- Lisa Kinnear, Service Support Administrator
1. Welcome and declarations of interest
The Acting Co-Chair, Mark Simpson, welcomed the Board to the meeting. Members did not have any relevant interests to declare.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the February Board meeting, subject to some minor amendments, were agreed.
3. Draft Disability Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
In attendance for this agenda item—
- Oliver Wain, Senior Disability Benefits Policy Manager, Disability Benefits Policy Unit, Scottish Government
- David Hilber, Case Transfer Policy, Case Transfer Policy Unit, Scottish Government
The Board discussed the Draft Disability Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) regulations with the representatives from Scottish Government. A wide-ranging conversation took place regarding the transition from CDP to ADP with a particular focus of discussion upon payment cycles and case transfer.
4. Draft Carer’s Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
In attendance—
- Kate Thomson-McDermott, Unit Head, Carer Benefits and Case Transfer Policy Unit
- Jane Sterry, Senior Policy Advisor, Carer Benefits and Case Transfer Policy Unit
- Dawn Kane, Senior Policy Officer – Future Changes, Carer Benefits and Case Transfer Policy Unit
- Euan Geddes, Senior Policy Officer, Social Security Case Transfer, Carer Benefits and Case Transfer Policy Unit
- Ross Grimley, Lawyer, New Benefits and Social Security Futures Branch, Scottish Government Legal Directorate
- Pam Forsyth, Service Manager, Social Security Programme Management and Delivery
The Board discussed the draft Carer Support Payment regulations with the representatives from Scottish Government. In addition to consideration of the content of the current draft regulations, discussion also focussed on areas where the content of the draft regulations was not finalised. Given this position, there was also considerable discussion with officials regarding the feasibility of the current timescale for scrutiny of the draft regulations.
Scottish Government officials agreed to provide a range of additional material, following the Board meeting, including updated draft regulations, impact assessments and where the draft regulations interact with reserved legislation and will require Section 104 Orders.
5. Best Start Food regulations
The Board agreed, in principle, to undertake scrutiny of forthcoming Best Start Food regulations.
6. Business Plan 2023-24
The Board considered, and amended, a draft Business Plan. It was agreed to consider a revised draft of the Business Plan at the next Board meeting.
7. Risk Register
The Board noted that a revised Risk Register had been considered and, subject to amendment, agreed by the Audit Sub-Committee for consideration by the Board. The Board agreed the revised Risk Register which included amendments which had been recommended by the Audit Sub-Committee.
8. Standing Orders
The Board noted that additions to Standing Orders with regard to the operation of the Audit Sub-Committee, the establishment and operation of SCoSS sub-committees / ad-hoc committees and also for the establishment of working parties or groups, had been considered at the March meeting of the Audit Sub-Committee. The Audit Sub-Committee had agreed the proposed additions to the Standing Orders subject to an amendment to reflect that the outcomes or recommendations of any working group would require Board approval in order to be published or taken forward.
The Board agreed the additions to Standing Orders including the amendment relating to Board approval of working group outcomes or recommendations.
9. Next Board Meeting
The Board considered, and agreed, proposals for the next Board meeting to take place, on 20 April, at the Social Security Scotland offices in Dundee. The Board also agreed a programme of wider engagement to take place in Dundee on the same day with regard to the delivery of devolved social security benefits.
10. Consideration of Evidence Heard
The Board considered the content of discussion taken earlier in the meeting under Agenda Items Three and Four.
11. Any Other Business
The Board considered a range of additional business including an update on potential engagement events associated with scrutiny of draft Carer Support Payment regulations and Board recruitment. The Board also agreed that the Secretariat should explore the potential for SCoSS attendance at the forthcoming CPAG Welfare Rights Conference in June.
Meeting closed at – 17:03
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 20 April