SCoSS Board Meeting
Date: 19 December 2024
Time: 14:00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
- Ed Pybus (Chair)
- Dr Mark Simpson (Member)
- Judith Paterson (Member)
- Dr Marilyn Howard (Member)
- Adam Bennett (Member)
Apologies: None
In attendance (SCoSS Secretariat)—
- Stephen Herbert, Secretary
- Andrew Strong, Head of Policy and Scrutiny
- Christopher Galloway, Analysis and Participation Support Officer
- Lisa Kinnear, Governance and Engagement Officer
1. Welcome and declarations of interest
The Chair, Ed Pybus, welcomed the Commissioners to the eleventh meeting of the Board in 2024.
There were no relevant interests to declare.
2. Draft Minutes of the previous meeting
The draft Minutes of the November Board meeting were agreed.
3. Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: Interim Report
In attendance—
- Edel Harris OBE, Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment; and
- Keith Rae, Lead Secretary to the Independent Review.
Edel Harris OBE, joined the Board to discuss the findings of the interim report of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment.
Ms Harris presented an update on the review which highlighted the key findings, progress to date, and initial recommendations from the first phase. She also outlined the areas of focus for the second phase of the review. The Board discussed the interim report findings with Ms Harris and agreed to liaise with the review regarding the Commission’s ongoing Charter scrutiny work.
4. The Social Security (Up-rating) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2025.
In attendance—
- Nicola McRanor, Senior Policy Lead, Compensation Recovery and Annual Up-rating;
- Kyle Murray, Procedural and International Policy Team Leader; and
- Fiona Stirling, Cross Cutting Policy Officer.
The Board discussed the draft regulations with the Scottish Government officials attending the meeting and agreed to provide draft recommendations to officials by 10 January and to agree a final report week commencing 13 January.
5. Social Security (Best Start Grants, Best Start Foods, Funeral Support Payment, Scottish Child Payment and Winter Heating Payment) (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2025
In attendance—
- Susan Souter, Reserved Benefits Policy Manager; and
- Chris Loh, Reserved Benefits Policy Officer.
The Board discussed the draft regulations with the officials present. The Board noted that impact assessments, relating to the draft regulations, were still in draft form and that these would be provided during the Commission’s scrutiny process. Following the discussion with officials, the Board conducted an initial analysis of the draft regulations against the Social Security principles.
6. Note of away day
The Board discussed a note summarising the main themes and outcomes arising from the SCoSS away day on 28 November 2024. It was noted that the Secretariat would discuss the outcomes with the Sponsor Unit and that the agreed note would be considered at the next Board future planning session.
The Board agreed, subject to additional comments being included, the note of the away day. The Board agreed that the revised note of the away day be signed off by the Chair.
7. Charter Sub-Committee Minutes
Mark Simpson provided the Board with an update on the recent work the Charter Sub-Committee. He noted that a draft Charter scrutiny report had been circulated to members of the Sub-Committee for comment and that arrangements were also underway for a follow-up meeting with Social Security Scotland officials.
The minutes of the 21 November and 11 December Charter Sub-Committee meetings were agreed.
8. Chair’s update
The Chair provided the Board with an update on his recent meetings since the last Board meeting. These were—
- Meeting with the Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee, Collette Stevenson MSP.
- Meeting with Dr Stephen Brien, Chair of the Social Security Advisory Committee.
- Meeting with Audit Scotland regarding the performance audit of Adult Disability Payment.
9. Any Other Business
The Board agreed to hold and Ad-hoc meeting on 14 January to consider the draft Carer’s Assistance (Young Carer Grant and Carer Support Payment) (Miscellaneous Amendment and Saving Provision) (Scotland) Regulations 2025 and a report on the draft Social Security (Up-rating) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2025.
Lisa Kinnear provided the Board with an update on fee claims.
Meeting closed at 17:07
Date of next meeting: Thursday 30 January