Scottish Commission on Social Security

Privacy Policy

The Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) is scrutinising and will report on the revised draft Disability Assistance for Working Age People (Scotland) Regulations 2021. Your written views on the draft regulations will help to inform SCoSS’s scrutiny.

Our lawful basis for processing your personal information is Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation. We collect and process this data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

The information provided in response to the call for written submissions will be used to inform SCoSS’s scrutiny report on the draft regulations. Please confirm that you are content for SCoSS to publish your submissions on its web pages. 

If you give permission, your name/ your organisation’s name and any identifying information from the content of your submission will be published. Our lawful basis for processing your submissions would be Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. We may, if it is reasonable to do so, remove your submission from our website if you withdraw your consent.

SCoSS may accept your submission anonymously – the same process will apply but your name, contact details and any identifying information from the content will be removed before it goes online. Any quote from or reference to any of your answers or comments will not be attributed to you by name.

SCoSS may accept your submission confidentially, meaning you do not want it published. Your views will not be published online or referenced in any report and will only be seen by SCoSS members and staff.

The final decision on whether your views will be accepted either anonymously or confidentially is for SCoSS to take. If SCoSS turns down your request for your submission to be processed in a non-standard way you can choose to withdraw your submission at that stage.

There may be a few situations where we choose not to publish your submission or have to edit it before publication for practical or legal reasons. For example, we may have to edit information if it can identify another living person who has not specifically given their agreement to have information about them made public.

SCoSS will not publish defamatory statements/ material in submissions. This means that if you send in views about a particular person that may be considered harmful and untrue we will return them to you with an invitation to substantiate the comments, remove or redact them. In these circumstances, if the evidence is returned to us and it still contains material which we consider may be defamatory, it may not be considered by SCoSS and will be deleted from our systems.

Data protection legislation sets out the rights which individuals have in relation to personal data held about them by data controllers.

If you make a submission that you want to be published, you have the right:

  • of access to your personal data
  • to have inaccuracies corrected
  • to ask us to restrict processing or delete data
  • to withdraw your consent and cease processing

The SCoSS Secretariat are the Data Controllers. We will process your contact information (e.g. your email address) that you provided with your submission as this will be used by SCoSS to contact you about your response or to provide you with further information about SCoSS’s work. If you wish to be removed from the contact list, please ask us.

Your contact information will not be published on the web pages with your submission, but will be held securely on SCoSS’s IT systems which are only accessible by SCoSS staff. Any personal data will be used only for the purposes for which it was collected.

Thank you for taking the time to read these notes. Please get in touch if you have any further questions. SCoSS/ the Data Protection Officer can be contacted on:, 0131 244 2602.

Further information about the data protection legislation and your rights is available here:

If you have any complaints about the way your data has been handled during this consultation, these can be made to the SCoSS Data Protection Officer.

If you feel we have been unable, or unwilling, to resolve your information rights concern, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO are the supervisory authority responsible for data protection in the UK.

For further information, including independent data protection advice and information in relation to your rights, you can contact the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

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